A|L|P’s tax advice generally follows our integrated advisory approach, as we are very often asked to solve issues in close connection with corporate/business law and tax law. This covers the entire development of a business, from its structuring and foundation through operational monitoring and restructuring, right up to its sale or liquidation.
Our aim is always to provide not just technically correct solutions for our clients, but solutions that can above all be implemented in a practical manner, and which are tenable in the long-term. At the same time, the ever-changing nature of tax law requires that changes in the law and operational adjustments are examined in advance for relevant consequences. This sustainable type of consultation simplifies the day-to-day running of a business in the long-term.
Many of our clients are family businesses and their owners. Our main strength lies in providing them with comprehensive advice. As a rule, our advice goes far beyond specific legal problem solving and includes entrepreneurial as well as human issues, including, in particular, prospective solutions, especially in the regulation of entrepreneurial succession. Succession advice in particular can only succeed if there is open communication between client and adviser. By listening, to begin with, and then posing targeted questions, we are able to work together with the client to develop an understanding of their interests and aims, and thereby find a solution that also takes into consideration the personal environment.
Indeed, how to optimise a company’s tax load is part of the solution that we develop, but it is never the main objective. Economically-sound and harmonious deliberations should take centre stage.
Alongside the tax law advice that we provide, another of our key activities is providing protection against unjustified claims on the part of the tax authorities. As part of this, we undertake in particular to be present during annual audits and even attend proceedings in a tax court, as well as the respective preliminary proceedings. We also have extensive experience of dealing with matters of criminal tax law. In many cases we are able reach a viable agreement with the tax authorities before such proceedings are launched.
We possess particular expertise in the following areas:
- Company tax law
- International tax law
- Corporate and real estate transactions, including real estate transfer tax issues
- Restructuring and reorganisation tax law
- Inheritance and accessions tax law
- Assets and foundations
- Criminal tax law